V to the 10th (November 2007)
Welcome to the next ten years where together we will raise the stakes, go further, go deeper, increase the power and change the story of women.
2008 is V-Day‘s ten-year anniversary — V to the 10th– the celebration, the call, the decision, the next step. Welcome to the next ten years where together we will raise the stakes, go further, go deeper, increase the power and CHANGE THE STORY OF WOMEN.
In the past ten years there have been so many victories: women speaking the word where it was never uttered, women standing up against local and national governments, religious forces, parents, husbands, friends, university administrators, college presidents, the voice inside them that judges and censors. College students across the world have made V-Day a radical annual event (it’s been noted that there are two things on every college campus: a Starbucks and a V-Day), women reclaiming their bodies, telling the stories of their own violations, desires, victories, shame, adventures. Women finding their power, their voice, their leadership ability by becoming accidental activists, women finding each other, women standing up for women in other parts of the world, women releasing memories that have numbed their bodies and depleted their energy, women standing on stage, on edge, in reds and pinks, with New York accents, southern accents, African accents, Indian accents and British accents; speaking, screaming, whispering, laughing and moaning.