V-Day: Vagina Monologue Author Eve Ensler, with Joan Osborne, Gloria Steinem and Betty’celebrate Valentine’s Day and Fight Violence Against Women (February 2001)
Some 18,000 women packed Madison Square Garden last Saturday to rock, rally, and rise up. They were celebrating VDay, a world wide movement to stop violence against women. The key organizer is Eve Ensler, author of the VaginaMonologues a play that will be performed this year at 250 colleges and in 50 cities around the world.
The V in V-day stands not only for vagina, but for victory against a global epidemic of violence against women. Inthe US every year up to 4 million women are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners.
Of women who reported being raped or physically assaulted since the age of 18, three quarters were victimized by anintimate: a current or former husband, cohabiting partner, date or boyfriend.