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Humanity Rising 365: Session 1 The Apology: A Dialogue with V (formerly Eve Ensler) (November 2021)

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Humanity Rising represents a movement of people and organizations coming together to take counsel on how to leverage the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic into an opportunity for human renewal and increased resilience to future challenges.

The goal of the Summit is to create an international coalition strong enough to transform conversations that matter into actions that make a difference.


Présidentielle : Jane Fonda et Eve Ensler s’engagent aux côtés de Sandrine Rousseau (June 2021)

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Candidate à la primaire écologiste en vue de la présidentielle française, Sandrine Rousseau ne compte pas jouer les figurantes. Pour booster une campagne en mal de visibilité, elle n’hésite pas à solliciter des soutiens internationaux. En exclusivité dans ELLE, Jane Fonda et Eve Ensler prennent publiquement la parole pour soutenir sa candidature.

Dem Now

Democracy Now: “Disaster Patriarchy”: V (Eve Ensler) on How the Pandemic Has Unleashed a War on Women (June 2021)

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Disaster patriarchy: how the pandemic has unleashed a war on women.” That’s the headline of a new essay by V, the playwright and activist who was formerly known as Eve Ensler. She details how the pandemic has led to a surge in violence against women, as well as an economic and educational crisis, with tens of millions of women and girls out of work or school. UNESCO estimates 11 million girls may not return to school once the pandemic is over. Other estimates put the total as high as 20 million girls.

Eve Ensler

L’Obs Numéro Spécial – Bienvenue en 2049: V (formerly Eve Ensler) , “J’imagine un monde où les violences faites aux femmes sont un mauvais souvenir (May 2021)

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La dramaturge et écrivaine
américaine, figure du féminisme
depuis ses célèbres “Monologues
du vagin”, se mobilise également
contre l’inceste et pour la défense
de l’environnement. Elle évoque,
avec optimisme, l’avenir qu’elle
souhaite pour 2049

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V-Day: Poet Aja Monet & V (Eve Ensler) on the Movement to End Violence Against All Women & Girls (February 2021)

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Amid a global rise in domestic violence during the pandemic, we speak with the founder of V-Day, a day of action to fight violence against women. V, the award-winning playwright of “The Vagina Monologues,” formerly known as Eve Ensler, says organizers around the globe are finding ways to fight back. “I’m so moved to see our grassroots women movements around the world finding ways to rise in spite of people being locked in and shut in and in spite of COVID,” she says. We also speak with blues poet and organizer Aja Monet, V-Day’s artistic creative director, who says Black women are particularly at risk. “For every Black woman who reports rape, at least 15 Black women do not,” Monet says. “We can go down the list and see the impact that sexual violence and harm and abuse has had on Black women primarily, but on women across the world.”