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V on Democracy Now along with Madinah Wardak, Founder of Burqas and Beer, and former member of Afghan Parliament Belquis Roshan ahead of a global day of action in support of Afghan women.
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V on Democracy Now along with Madinah Wardak, Founder of Burqas and Beer, and former member of Afghan Parliament Belquis Roshan ahead of a global day of action in support of Afghan women.
RISE For and With the Women of Afghanistan
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What truly constitutes an apology to survivors of abuse? V talks with Melissa Harris-Perry on The Takeaway reacting to FBI director Christopher Wray’s apology to the survivors of former USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar’s abuse.
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V joins Laura Flanders discussing the effects of Disaster Patriarchy.
V joins Laura Flanders discussing the effects of Disaster Patriarchy.
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Candidate à la primaire écologiste en vue de la présidentielle française, Sandrine Rousseau ne compte pas jouer les figurantes. Pour booster une campagne en mal de visibilité, elle n’hésite pas à solliciter des soutiens internationaux. En exclusivité dans ELLE, Jane Fonda et Eve Ensler prennent publiquement la parole pour soutenir sa candidature.
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Disaster patriarchy: how the pandemic has unleashed a war on women.” That’s the headline of a new essay by V, the playwright and activist who was formerly known as Eve Ensler. She details how the pandemic has led to a surge in violence against women, as well as an economic and educational crisis, with tens of millions of women and girls out of work or school. UNESCO estimates 11 million girls may not return to school once the pandemic is over. Other estimates put the total as high as 20 million girls.
Candidate à la primaire écologiste en vue de la présidentielle française, Sandrine Rousseau ne compte pas jouer les figurantes. Pour booster une campagne en mal de visibilité, elle n’hésite pas à solliciter des soutiens internationaux. En exclusivité dans ELLE, Jane Fonda et Eve Ensler prennent publiquement la parole pour soutenir sa candidature.
“Disaster patriarchy: how the pandemic has unleashed a war on women.” That’s the headline of a new essay by V, the playwright and activist who was formerly known as Eve Ensler. She details how the pandemic has led to a surge in violence against women, as well as an economic and educational crisis, with tens of millions of women and girls out of work or school. UNESCO estimates 11 million girls may not return to school once the pandemic is over. Other estimates put the total as high as 20 million girls.
As Covid-19 has swept the world there has been an explosion of violence against women, and a full-blown assault on their rights. It’s time to fight back against a system that allows women to be sacrificed, erased and violated.