This spring, fight for our precious planet and join the climate march (April 2017)
The same forces that are crushing women are destroying the planet. They must be defeated, and the march is an important next step in that battle.
It doesn’t matter how many winters I endure, I am never less astounded by the arrival of spring. Suddenly, green shoots and the hint of daffodil yellow start breaking through the muddy earth. Birds sing. The air is sweet. It’s a time of renewal – one that is so desperately needed for our planet and our politics.
The Earth, our mother, is the body that feeds us, nurtures us, inspires us. In more than three months, Trump and his government have begun a process to remove as many protections for the Earth and for women as they can. They are willing to destroy the Earth and, ultimately, threaten the people she feeds and gives life to, in order to take care of their immediate desires. The long-term consequences are irrelevant in their minds.